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Summer Beauty/Packing/Organization Tips!

I’m going to be completely honest; I haven’t been to the beach in about six years. This could be due to the fact that I have an intense...

An In between

Four years. Four years of football games, concerts, late night drives, study sessions and tests. Four years of heartbreaks, shopping...


Here is how my writing process usually goes: I sit in front of my computer, my fingers flexing as if they are stretching to find the...

My side of town

The first time I invited people over to my house was during my freshman year. It had been a group of four girls, and all of us had piled...

A day with my soulmate

I am a firm believer that everyone on this planet has a soulmate. In fact, I'm pretty sure everyone has multiple soulmates. To clarify...

When the time comes

I have to admit that this has been one of the hardest things to write about. This is not because it is so personal (even though it is),...

Introduction (not really)

80's teen flicks lied to me. You see,  I had assumed that in high school, my life would be like Sixteen Candles; football games, sporadic...

The Beginning

Choice: an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. Synonyms: option, alternative, possible...


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Cheesing bc the first semester of senior
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